           "Well then, begin! Good luck everyone!"
          The finals were finally here and, of course I wasn't ready for them at all. Five months sure go by in the blink of an eye, and let's not even mention the five years of uni... Well, first, I guess I should at least give the exam a read, see if I might just remember something...


          It's no use... I can't make any sense out of this. Who the hell decided THIS would be the test... What the fuck am I going to do now...? I guess I'll just sit around for now, and at least pretend I know what I am doing here...
          Truthfully, I was hoping I'd see someone else was in my situation, but everyone else has their nose in their own paper... ... ... It's not like I haven't studied or anything... Hell, I remember doing this exact exercise in class, I just can't get past step 1... or 2... And I sure as hell can't risk cheating, I'd be put on probation... Shit, shit, shit... Why is the only thing I can think about now is Billie Jeans of all things? Well, I guess I should try to write anything, it might jog my memory...
          Huuuuuuh? An hour already? How the fuck...? Shit... As I expected, nothing came up at all. My foot brushes past my bag. If only I could take a peek inside, I can see the corner of my notes sheet. Hell, I can see the page where this exact exam is on, of course it has differences, but I'd just need to see the logic. I try gently moving my bag around, for all I know, the sheets might part in a way that'd let me see my notes. But, obviously, it ain't happening.
          "You have 1 hour left." Crap, already...? The only thing on my paper are crossed out attempts at doing this crap. I can almost remember how this thing starts... I just need more time... If only this exam could last five hours instead... If only...

If only time could stop

          I'd be able to remember this garbage... Guess all I have to wait for is the bell ringing now... ... ... ...